Six Day War of 1967 - 3rd Arab Israeli War




"Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight."

Gamel Abdel Nasser,
May 3oth 1967.


Blog Posts

J6D Newsblog - a Christian Newsblog Hogwash history by Michael Freund. "Deploying a potent mix of selective amnesia combined with some good ol’ fashioned obfuscation, these “amnesiacs,” as I call them, would have us all believe that nothing good ever came from the 1967 Six Day War."

Jewlicious: I didn’t expect to have to write a background but after reading a BBC overview of the war that manages to place the blame for the war on the IDF’s leadership, I thought I might as well include it. The first thing to remember is that in the weeks leading up to the war, the Egyptians had whipped themselves into a frenzy that overtook the Arab world. The intent of this mass movement was simple: Israel shall be destroyed in this war. Let’s be clear, this wasn’t a movie or a game. They wanted to destroy the state of Israel and nothing less.

Greetings from the French Hill: Why I'm Not Writing About The Six Day War All around the world, including the blogosphere, everyone's gone crazy this past week writing about the 40th anniversary of the Six Day War. Revisionist historians are coming out of the woodwork like crazy banchies being smoked out by fire. Everywhere, the same thing is being said. The Six Day War was not the glorious victory that everyone claimed it to be. In fact, it was a black mark on history and on Israel. In short, it was very very bad that Israel won the war. Everything bad that has happened since then stems from Israel's victory. Bad. Very very bad. So, why aren't I commenting on it. Well, first of all, there's really nothing to say. Those who say that Israel's victory was bad, Jews and Israeli revisionist historians among them, are simply wrong.

Important Day in Anti-Jihad History: Six Day War Started 40 Years Ago, Today "The Six Day War is important for many reasons: It resulted in the reunification of Jerusalem (which was re-captured on June 7, 1967--and which I'll have more about, on Thursday, that 40th anniversary). Finally, Jews and other non-Muslims could pray at the holiest and most important of Jewish religious sites, the "Kotel Ha'Ma'aravi" (the Western Wall of the Jewish Temple, which had been abandoned and strewn with garbage under Jordanian/Palestinian occupation). Finally, Jordanian Muslims would stop drilling holes and urinating into Jewish graves that dotted East Jerusalem. Finally, Muslims would stop deliberately building hotels--like the Intercontinental Hotel in East Jerusalem--on top of Jewish graves."

Remembering The Six-Day War - David Meir-Levi

Grey Thoughts - The Six Day War: "Reading a bit more about the history also has uncovered other crumbs of interesting information. "4,255,120 Palestinians are registered as refugees with UNRWA; this number includes the descendants of refugees from the 1948 war, but excludes those who have emigrated to areas outside of the UNRWA's remit." Curiously, in 1947, the UN records that only around 800,000 arabs where in the Palestinian territories. Over 40 years, this is a population increase of around 4.5% a year. Pretty impressive for an 'oppressed' people."

Little Green Footballs "During the buildup to the Six-Day War, it seemed certain that Israel was in fact facing annihilation, and that there would be absolutely nothing done by the rest of the world to prevent that annihilation. - buzzmonkey

That was half-right. The world did nothing to prevent the impending annihilation, but it did not come off as scheduled.

Once Nasser closed the Straits, it was assumed that when (not if) war broke out it would be a long and difficult fight. Because the Israeli economy was hurting with so much of the population mobilized, people here in the States began to try and make arrangements to go to Israel to provide civilian labor in order to keep the economy going. That was not an easy thing, as civilian transport to Israel was disrupted by the threat of impending war. The astonishing rapidity with which the war was fought and ended ultimately made such trips unnecessary.

The sudden change from threat of annihilation to overwhelming victory was met with a dazed, celebretory incredulity." -

Demediacratination: "Israel did not enter the Six-Day War with ambitions for territorial expansion. However, Israel's victory did result in the acquisition of lands previously controlled by Syria, Jordan and Egypt..."

"The secret that won the Six Day War" - Rabbi Shisler discusses the campaign by Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, the "Lubavitcher Rebbe" of New Yorkto push observance by Jewish males over 13 years of age to do the "mitzvah" of tefillin

Why is Israel afraid to be Israel? - Ellis Washington, Avraham's One Village

What happened in 1967 that caused Israel's borders to change? Smooth Stone

ISRAEL, Jordan and the Six Day War (World Association of International Studies)

Six Day War Anniversary in June - Causes of Conflict: Thoughts on Religion, Identity and the Middle East

A Worshipping Christian's Blog

Golan Heights - Theblogian. Bibical commentary and images of this region by Charlie Trimm

Blogs that discuss this site

Mr Jewish talks to Mr Islam: Remembering the Six Day War correctly

Mid East Truth

BlogCentral.JPost:The Warped Mirror: The “setback” of the Six-Day War by Petra Marquardt-Bigman 'In Arabic, the Six-Day War is known as "an-Naksah" - "The Setback." That is arguably an interesting choice, since the term "setback" usually implies a temporary or partial failure in pursuit of a specific goal. What goal Israel's neighbors were pursuing in 1967 is hardly a mystery, since they were not at all shy to spell it out: "The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear - to wipe Israel off the map."'

Tom Gross's Mideast Dispatch Archive: HOW 3 MILLION DEFEATED 100 MILLION - "There are already a lot of anti-Israeli, partially inaccurate programs being produced by news media like the BBC about how the Six-Day War came about and how it was fought.

Forgotten is the fact that on the war’s first day, June 5, Jordan launched massive, indiscriminate rocket fire into residential areas of west Jerusalem, killing and wounding dozens of Israeli civilians. Forgotten is the fact that Jordan launched rockets on Tel Aviv from Jenin; that Jordanian troops attacked Jerusalem from the south, and so on.

In an attempt to counteract the inaccuracies of the mainstream media, several new websites have been produced.

Among the best is, a site compiled by historians, academics and writers (several of whom are subscribers to this email list). The site is intended to “turn back the clock to give you a flavour of what it was like to be in Israel at the time, living with the tensions involved with a countdown to what Israel’s opponents suggested would be annihilation.”

PilgrimTV Blog - Paul McHenry: A highly recommended new website: "In an age with a lack of credible historical and contextual information it is refreshing to be able to recommend this website. Take the opportunity to look for yourself and be prepared to get informed as never before. With the availabilty of video clips, images, maps, timelines and cartoons of the day I am very impressed with the depth of resources.

JIHAD I MALMÖ - Norwegian (?) site review

Odalric Un racó personal per a idees universals

The Six Day War revisited - Powerline Blog

The Blank Pages of the Age features a timeline from our site - 27 May 1967

UNBiased - The UN and Israel: A look at history - the 1967 six day war: "...Returning to the Six Day War... a new website full of historical facts, personal accounts, and resources ranging from videos to source documents was recently launched to mark the 40th anniversary of the Six Day War. The site is packed with so much material you are sure to learn something new. Not only has the site organised material already on the

Israel Blog - Arlene Bridges-Samuels: "I just discovered a fantastic web site,, a treasure trove of history. I encourage you to visit their web site in the lead-up to the anniversary of the Six Day War on June 5, 1967."

"Forty years have passed and the Arabs still refuse the hand of peace. Under Jordanian rule prior to Jerusalem’s liberation, they destroyed Jewish synagogues and turned the Western Wall into a trash heap. In stark contrast,? to this day, the Israel Police and IDF protect the Temple Mount and guarantee Arab access to their third holiest site."

Pro Zion News - recommendation to visit our site as a useful resource

FilesFromToni "As Israel celebrates Jerusalem Day and 40 years of the reunification of Jerusalem, Israel under Israel sovereignty, Jews and Bible believing Christians all over the world remember this miraculous prophetic event by God himself, the leaders of the nations of the world are still raging against God's Holy City of Jerusalem, Israel and the Jewish people in the land of Israel in a futile effort to divide Jerusalem, Israel and give half of the Holy City to arab hostile enemies whose desire is to destroy Israel and the Jewish people. "

Israpundit "A great new website giving quotes from Arab leaders, Israeli leaders and world leaders, along with Arab cartoons, films, and the TRUTH! "

In the Trenches with the Christians - Valley of the Shadow 'After the Six Day War, the Arab States started to realize Israel is not going to go away but remain as a state in their midst. When I was bar Mitzvahed at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, the questions to all the Arab States regarding the Palestinian question was: "Where were the Palestinians when they were in Jordan?"'

LittleGreenFootballs "A brilliant new website details the quotes, films, Arab cartoons, and the Israelis reaction to the Six Day War."

Media Backspin "So as the 40th anniversary of the Six Day War approaches, we were pleased to learn that a group of UK historians, academics and writers created an excellent site simply called Six Day War."

Forty Years of an Undivided Jerusalem - Aussie Echo

DiscardedLilies "The Six Day War website - great new resource"


The Israel Project - cited as useful reference

The Six-Day War! 40 years ago! - Pamela Levene, tour guide revisits her diary from June 5th 1967

Six Day War - David Frankfurter

Great new site on the Six Day War - ProSemiteUndercover

Irene Lancaster's Diary - a great plug for this site and her own memories of the time, which have been posted here on our site.

POINT OF NO RETURN discusses the site: "Israel’s lightning victory had dramatic repercussions on the few thousand Jews still living in Arab countries."

Deb Social Club is an Italian blog that like the site. Here is Google's attempt at an english translation.

Tzaddik Ministries Website "I believe that this war is one of the transgressions mentioned in Amos 1 concerning Damascus." - a Finnish forum that quotes from this site (no english translation!)

Medien BackSpin - German review of this site.

Middle East Analysis - all in hebrew


Sites that link to us

This site went 'live' in mid April 2007. Over 1200 sites have linked to this educational resource by 5th June 2007.

The links below go directly to the page that features our site.

Six Days in June - a website supporting a documentary film about the war

Slavikovich ?Slav site

Herut ?South American site

Large Blue Footballs - linking Jewish mothers - discussion about the 'three soldiers' image

Am Israel Hai French, linking to our cartoon page. - debat (Denmark)

Israel Forum

Jack's Shack - discussion about the 'three soldiers' image


The Black Kettle


Soccer Dad

For Zion's Sake

40 Años de la Guerra de los Seis días de 1967.

Emilogue - "The release of tension must have been extraordinary when in early June 01967, Radio Cairo broadcast dispatches from the new war that had seemed inevitable for months. Egypt and its allies, Jordan and Syria, were defeating Israel even after the opening pre-emptive air strikes took out the formidable Egyptian Air Force. Anwar Sadat, who was then the President of the National Assembly in Egypt took a late night walk through the capital's celebrations fully aware of the come down that would soon hit his nation. The Radio reports were false - at worst propagandistic, at best merely presumptuous."

Daily Kos - correspondent responding to a blog hostile to Israel references quotes from this site.

6 días, 40 años - Tabula Rasa - features our Arab cartoon section

Comment is Free - The Guardian

J-Comm - Jewish community (site from Germany) compiled by CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America)

Six Day War - 40 Years on - HonestReporting takes a look at the context behind the events of June 1967

Dutchblog Israel - Observations, articles, opinions etc. in Dutch and English. The author, Bert de Bruin ( Yonathan Dror Bar-On ), is a historian, who specialized in modern Jewish history and in history of the Middle East, and who in 1995 emigrated from the Netherlands to Israel.

Arabs Defy the United Nations for Fifty-Nine Years - Arlene Bridges-Samuels Israel Blog

Fred Thompson on Iran, Israel and Arab Love prior to the Six Day War


Detroit Public TV

Shiraz Socialist

Scottish Friends of Israel

Masada Shall Not Fall Again - Facts on Six Day War - community Live Journal

Newsbeat 1

Sechs-Tage Krieg 40. Jahrestag - Six-Day War 40th Anniversary